How Do You Solve The Problems You Encounter Today?
- By working in the field in small groups
- By sending e-mails to the responsible units
- Conducting international talks to discuss issues
- Making desk-based decisions for design and engineering changes
- Traveling internationally as required
What Are You Really Losing While Solving These Problems?
We cannot share our existing knowledge in every field.
We spend a lot of time gathering evidence to explain problems to different people or teams.
We waste time, and create misunderstandings with our back and forth emails.
We are losing time and money with the meetings and reports which are organized by other people.
Sometimes we can make wrong decisions that cause re-production or create high costs.
Due to the delays experienced, we may be late for the product’s launch
Augmented Reality Technology
- Create a “virtual meeting room” to work with
- Upload the documents, technical drawings and images required for the meeting to the room you created,
- You can also share data simultaneously within the room,
- You can record everything in the meeting process,
- You can save your records,
- After your work is done, you can delete all the recordings in the virtual meeting room and exit.
Fields of Use
Remote Control List Approval
Remote Quality Control
Remote Service and Maintenance
Distanced Education
Remote Needs Analysis
Remote Field Tests
What We Gather?
Cost drops
Fast and effective solutions
Decrease in operation times
Improved processes
Sharing the know-how and experience easily
Digitally recorded operations
Improved product launch times
Our Clients
For more information about us, our products, and our services, please contact us.